English class


miércoles, 21 de junio de 2017


A continuación os dejo el enlace desde el cual podéis descargar y  realizar las pruebas de los niveles A1, A2 y B1.
Os recuerdo que cada nivel consta de 5 pruebas diferentes.



A continuación os dejo el enlace desde el cual podéis descargar y  realizar las pruebas de los niveles A1, A2 y B1.
Os recuerdo que cada nivel consta de 5 pruebas diferentes.


viernes, 28 de abril de 2017

Cooking verbs

Cooking Verbs

Cortar: cut
Pelar: Peel
Mezclar: Mix
Hervir: boil
Cocinar: cook
Horner: bake
Freir: fry
Enfriar: cold
Calentar: heat _______ up
Congelar: freeze
Poner: put
Separar: separate
Triturar: crush (cosas duras) mash (cosas blandas)
Poner___ en un bol: Put ___ in a bowl
Descongelar: Defrost
Exprimir: Squeeze
Batir: Stir
Precalentar: Preheat
Asar: Roast
Añadir: Add
Rebozar: coat in batter
Servir:   Serve
Aliñar: Dress (ensalada) season (carne…)
Tostar: Toast (tostada) Brown (otras comidas)
Sacar: Take
Amasar: Knead
Hacer: Make
Tapar: Cover
Aplanar: smash ____ up

Cooking verbs

Cooking Verbs

Cortar: cut
Pelar: Peel
Mezclar: Mix
Hervir: boil
Cocinar: cook
Horner: bake
Freir: fry
Enfriar: cold
Calentar: heat _______ up
Congelar: freeze
Poner: put
Separar: separate
Triturar: crush (cosas duras) mash (cosas blandas)
Poner___ en un bol: Put ___ in a bowl
Descongelar: Defrost
Exprimir: Squeeze
Batir: Stir
Precalentar: Preheat
Asar: Roast
Añadir: Add
Rebozar: coat in batter
Servir:   Serve
Aliñar: Dress (ensalada) season (carne…)
Tostar: Toast (tostada) Brown (otras comidas)
Sacar: Take
Amasar: Knead
Hacer: Make
Tapar: Cover
Aplanar: smash ____ up

jueves, 27 de abril de 2017


Tenedor: fork
Cuchara: spoon
Cuchillo:  knife
Batidora: mixer
Sartén: pan
Tostadora: toaster
Microondas: microwave
Cafetera: coffee pot
Freidora: electric fryer
Cucharón: ladle
Olla: pot
Plato: plate
Horno: oven
Cuenco: bowl
Taza: cup
Vaso: glass
jarra:  jug
Plancha: griddle
Colador: strainer
Rallador: grater
Pelador: peeler
Báscula: scales
Pinza:  tongs
Manopla: mitten
Espátula: spatula
Gorro: chef’s hat
Delantal: apron
Cazo: casserole pot
 Rodillo: rolling pin
Cucharadita: teaspoon
Libro de cocina: cooking book
Recipiente: container

Puñado: handful


Tenedor: fork
Cuchara: spoon
Cuchillo:  knife
Batidora: mixer
Sartén: pan
Tostadora: toaster
Microondas: microwave
Cafetera: coffee pot
Freidora: electric fryer
Cucharón: ladle
Olla: pot
Plato: plate
Horno: oven
Cuenco: bowl
Taza: cup
Vaso: glass
jarra:  jug
Plancha: griddle
Colador: strainer
Rallador: grater
Pelador: peeler
Báscula: scales
Pinza:  tongs
Manopla: mitten
Espátula: spatula
Gorro: chef’s hat
Delantal: apron
Cazo: casserole pot
 Rodillo: rolling pin
Cucharadita: teaspoon
Libro de cocina: cooking book
Recipiente: container

Puñado: handful


Harina: Flour
Trigo: wheat
Bizcocho: sponge cake
Levadura: yeast
Mayonesa: mayonnaise
Palomitas: popcorn
Nata: cream
Codorniz: quail
Gelatina: jelly
Virutas de chocolate: chocolate chips
Magdalena: cupcake
Bacalao: cod
Rabano: raddish
Pan rallado: break crumbs
Jengibre: ginger
Caramelo: candy
Pimienta: pepper
Sal: salt
Bicarbonato: baking soda
Colorante: food coloring
Gambas/camarones: prawns
Garbanzos: chickpea
 Habichuelas: bean
Peregil: parsley
Cebolla: onion
Ajo: garlic
Orégano: oregano
Flan: creme caramel

Cabrillas/caracol: snail


Harina: Flour
Trigo: wheat
Bizcocho: sponge cake
Levadura: yeast
Mayonesa: mayonnaise
Palomitas: popcorn
Nata: cream
Codorniz: quail
Gelatina: jelly
Virutas de chocolate: chocolate chips
Magdalena: cupcake
Bacalao: cod
Rabano: raddish
Pan rallado: break crumbs
Jengibre: ginger
Caramelo: candy
Pimienta: pepper
Sal: salt
Bicarbonato: baking soda
Colorante: food coloring
Gambas/camarones: prawns
Garbanzos: chickpea
 Habichuelas: bean
Peregil: parsley
Cebolla: onion
Ajo: garlic
Orégano: oregano
Flan: creme caramel

Cabrillas/caracol: snail


Jamón: ham
Avellanas: hazelnut
Solomillo: sirlain
Chorizo: chorizo
Mayonesa: mayonnaise
Béchamel: bechamel
Vino: wine
Oregano: oregano
Cacahuete: peanut
Chuleta: chop
Panceta: bacon
Flan:  creme caramel
Cerveza: beer
Colorante: food coloring
Azucar glass: sugar glass
Fondant: fondant
Tortita: pancake
Gambas: Prawns
Canela: cinamon
Atun: tuna
Pan rallado: bread crums
Jamon york: Cooked ham
Ajo: garlic
Ternera: calf
Curry: curry
Churrasco: barbecued steak
Garbanzo: cheackpeas
Lentejas: lentils
Pomelo: grapefruit
Fideos: noodles
Tomate frito: fried tomato
Guisante: green peas
Nata montada: whipped cream
Nata: cream
Salmon: salmon
Cebolla: onion
Galleta: biscuit
Espárrago: asparagus
Espinacas: spinach
Mora: blackberry
Uva: grape

Aguacate: avocado


Jamón: ham
Avellanas: hazelnut
Solomillo: sirlain
Chorizo: chorizo
Mayonesa: mayonnaise
Béchamel: bechamel
Vino: wine
Oregano: oregano
Cacahuete: peanut
Chuleta: chop
Panceta: bacon
Flan:  creme caramel
Cerveza: beer
Colorante: food coloring
Azucar glass: sugar glass
Fondant: fondant
Tortita: pancake
Gambas: Prawns
Canela: cinamon
Atun: tuna
Pan rallado: bread crums
Jamon york: Cooked ham
Ajo: garlic
Ternera: calf
Curry: curry
Churrasco: barbecued steak
Garbanzo: cheackpeas
Lentejas: lentils
Pomelo: grapefruit
Fideos: noodles
Tomate frito: fried tomato
Guisante: green peas
Nata montada: whipped cream
Nata: cream
Salmon: salmon
Cebolla: onion
Galleta: biscuit
Espárrago: asparagus
Espinacas: spinach
Mora: blackberry
Uva: grape

Aguacate: avocado

lunes, 13 de marzo de 2017



viernes, 10 de marzo de 2017

Vocabulary Egypt


Vocabulary Egypt


Social Pyramid

Animals and god/godness

Animals and god/godness

Social Pyramid

viernes, 3 de febrero de 2017

Museum's Rules


Museum's Rules


jueves, 2 de febrero de 2017


Colours game



Colours game


miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017



martes, 24 de enero de 2017

Description of a picture

1st. Focus on the main part of the picture

Useful language:
􀁹 This picture shows
􀁹 There is / there are
􀁹 I can see

2nd . Describe as much as you can.

Useful language:
􀁹 In the foreground / in the background
􀁹 On the right / on the left

3rd . Try to use your imagination to make assumptions.

Useful language:
􀁹 I think... Maybe / Perhaps...
􀁹 Modal verbs of deduction: she must / can’t / might be …
􀁹 She looks…(happy.)/ She looks like … (my little sister).

4th. You can also use personal stories

5th. Think about the WHO WHAT WHERE WHEN WHY HOW of each picture.

This is a picture of a little girl listening to music with headphones.
She’s about three years old. She’s got short fair hair and big dark eyes. She’s wearing …
The girl could be listening to classical music to improve her mind. Maybe her mother makes her listen to music...or maybe she just listens for fun. She might be listening to music on a train to pass the time. Maybe it isn't even music at all. She may be learning a language....a CD course perhaps.
The little girl is wearing headphones, like the ones my dad had when I was about 6 years old. I remember he used to use them to play the electric key board without bothering my mom. When I wore those headphones some of the black plastic would come off and get stuck on my ears and face. They were huge headphones...not like the ones you can buy today...

Description of a picture

1st. Focus on the main part of the picture

Useful language:
􀁹 This picture shows
􀁹 There is / there are
􀁹 I can see

2nd . Describe as much as you can.

Useful language:
􀁹 In the foreground / in the background
􀁹 On the right / on the left

3rd . Try to use your imagination to make assumptions.

Useful language:
􀁹 I think... Maybe / Perhaps...
􀁹 Modal verbs of deduction: she must / can’t / might be …
􀁹 She looks…(happy.)/ She looks like … (my little sister).

4th. You can also use personal stories

5th. Think about the WHO WHAT WHERE WHEN WHY HOW of each picture.

This is a picture of a little girl listening to music with headphones.
She’s about three years old. She’s got short fair hair and big dark eyes. She’s wearing …
The girl could be listening to classical music to improve her mind. Maybe her mother makes her listen to music...or maybe she just listens for fun. She might be listening to music on a train to pass the time. Maybe it isn't even music at all. She may be learning a language....a CD course perhaps.
The little girl is wearing headphones, like the ones my dad had when I was about 6 years old. I remember he used to use them to play the electric key board without bothering my mom. When I wore those headphones some of the black plastic would come off and get stuck on my ears and face. They were huge headphones...not like the ones you can buy today...

viernes, 20 de enero de 2017


* How long did it last? The___________ lasted from_________ to _________

* How did they live?  
            They lived in....
            The houses had.....
            They had....
            Rich/Poor people wore....

* Social  events (invention, discoveries or wars)

* Important masterpieces:   Some of the important masterpieces were.... written, painted or sculpted by....

Fecha de recogida: 20 de Enero


* How long did it last? The___________ lasted from_________ to _________

* How did they live?  
            They lived in....
            The houses had.....
            They had....
            Rich/Poor people wore....

* Social  events (invention, discoveries or wars)

* Important masterpieces:   Some of the important masterpieces were.... written, painted or sculpted by....

Fecha de recogida: 20 de Enero